Taíno Learning Community (Laton Nation)
Taíno Learning Community the official public educational community of Taíno decendents. Membership application (annual fee) and monthly co-horts of learning. The Taíno Learning community plans the annual Taino Rememberance Day/Bombazo & Barrio Arts Festival.
Funded in part by: Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
Mission and Purpose // Nuestra Misión y Propósito
The Laton Taíno Learning Community (TLC) is an indigenous collective organization founded in 2022 to promote the self-determination and protection of the human rights, culture, traditions, and sacred lands of Taíno and other Caribbean Indigenous Peoples, especially those living throughout the Greater Waterbury Area. The TLC serves as a forum for educational advocacy (including human rights and cultural education) and policy development to affirm and safeguard indigenous Taíno and other Caribbean cultural heritage and spiritual traditions (including burial issues); and promote spiritual, cultural, educational, health, economic, and social development in the Caribbean and the Diaspora.
La Comunidad Taína Laton (CTL) es una institución representativa indígena establecida en 2022 para promover la autodeterminación y la protección de los derechos humanos, la cultura, las tradiciones y las tierras sagradas de los Taínos y otros Pueblos Indígenas del Caribe especialmente aquellos que viven en el area de grande Waterbury. La CTL sirve como un foro para la promoción educativa (incluidos los derechos humanos y la educación cultural) y el desarrollo de políticas para afirmar y salvaguardar el patrimonio cultural y las tradiciones espirituales de los indígenas taínos y otros caribeños (incluidas las cuestiones de entierro); y promover el desarrollo espiritual, cultural, educativo, sanitario, económico y social en el Caribe y la Diáspora.
What is Laton City?
Laton City is the City crest of the Laton Taíno Learning Community. Laton is the Spanish word for Brass, located in Brass City this is the local Taíno co-ed Taino learning collective. Individuals, groups, entities who are looking to connect to their Taíno ancestors and their traditions, spirituality, and history.
The Laton City crest features the free independence cross calling for the ancestral liberation of the Taíno tribal nations, second, the Taíno ancestors in the top right-hand corner, third Taíno petroglyphs, and two iconic symbols of the Brass City - the Brass horse, and the Waterbury clocktower. Lastly, palm trees call for the diaspora to remember always the island nations of the Taíno people.
Laton City Flag
Located on a brass and white bed the Laton city crest is the centerpiece of the Laton Taino Nation.
Brass symbolizes the supreme goddess Atabey is the supreme goddess of the Taínos, one of two supreme deities in the Taíno religion. She was worshipped as a goddess of fresh water and fertility; she is the female entity who represents the Earth Spirit and the Spirit of all horizontal water, lakes, streams, the sea, and the marine tides.
White symbolizes Yúcahu —also written as Yucáhuguama Bagua Maórocoti, Yukajú, Yocajú, Yokahu or Yukiyú— was the masculine spirit of fertility in Taíno mythology
TO JOIN US VISIT: https://www.taino-nation.org/tlc