A celebration of Caribbean Culture - the 2nd Annual Cooking Contest - Empanadas, Patties and Pates.
Categories will be as follows;
Best Empanada - Beef (Amature)
Best Empanada - Specialty (Amature)
Best Empanada - Beef (Professional)
Best Empanada - Specialty (Professional)
Best Pattie - Beef (Amature)
Best Pattie - Specialty (Amature)
Best Pattie - Beef (Professional)
Best Pattie - Specialty (Professional)
Best Pate - Beef (Amature & Professional)
Best Pate - Specialty (Amature & Professional)


2023 Photos & Memories

Official 2024 Empanda, Patties & Pates - Cook-off Rules
Any person or business who makes Empanadas (Puerto Rican Style, Cuban Style, or Dominican Style), Patties (Jamaican) or Pates (Haitian).
Each Person can only enter ONE division (Amateur or Professional)
We identify professional as anyone who has a legally registered business (catering food truck or restaurant.) (We will require proof of business incorporation/organization with State of CT/EIN number).
All contestants must be 18 years of age or older.
All Entry Fees are NON REFUNDABLE / Dropping Out / Disqualifications will not result in a refund of donated Entry Fee.
Contestants MUST check in by 9:00 am. (If your one second late you are disqualified).
Stop by the registration area to check in and be assigned a tent area / 10 x 10 that will be split with another contestant.
All contestants MUST be in their designated area and ready to serve the judges at 11:00 am. Public to enter starting at 12:00 pm.
Need to prepare and bring 60 Empanada/Patties/Pates,
Regular Size Discos / Regular size homemade dough/masa. (6 inches in diameter)
ACCC will provide gloves, a small cutting board, and knives to cut Empandada/Patties/Pates in Half.
NOTE - Due to CT Laws you may promote your business, and share contact information for potential customers to purchase from you at a different date/time. However, you may not sell products during this fundraising event.
All cooking/frying will be performed you and one team member on your crew.
ACCC will provide tabletop fryers, tables, sternos for holding the fried food. (2 Chairs) ((CONTESTANTS ARE TO BRING THEIR OWN
The Chef will cook/fry product and then bring them out fresh for you to serve the judges/public.
LIABILITY PURPOSES.**Note YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN FOR SAFETY AND You may consult with the chef on cook time / however the cook / temp / etc will be at the discretion of the Turf Restaurant Chef.
There will be a panels of between 3 - 5 judges.
Judges will only know the samples by a number -
Each judge has a runner who will collect samples in a random manner which has been set by the judge coordinator.
Runners will begin picking up samples at 6:00 pm.
Each judge's panel will determine the top four entries from their samples.
Runners will then pick-up the samples from the 8 top entries that will be sampled by all eight judges to determine the winners of the “traditional category.”
Non-traditional samples will be collected for all eight judges and they will determine the best entry. (This procedure of judging may change depending on the amount of entries.)
Judges request that no garnishment is served with the sample.
The team captain’s signature on the entry form signifies the he understands that
Best Amateur Division
Best Traditional Beef Flavor (1 Judges Award & 1 Peoples Choice Award - 2nd / 3rd Certificate)
Best Specialty Flavor (1 Judges Award & 1 Peoples Choice Award - 2nd / 3rd Certificate)
Best Professional Division
Best Traditional Beef Flavor (1 Judges Award & 1 Peoples Choice Award - 2nd / 3rd Certificate)
Best Specialty Flavor (1 Judges Award & 1 Peoples Choice Award - 2nd / 3rd Certificate)
Best Overall Awards
Best Traditional Beef Flavor (1 Judges Award)
Best Specialty Flavor (1 Judges Award)